We have experience of caring for children with a variety of different needs. We welcome other professionals into the setting, and will work closely with them, and with you, to ensure your child's individual needs are met.



 Parents & Family

We value our relationship with you as parents. We endeavour to keep you informed of your child's progress through notes sent home to you,  regular contact with you at the pre-school, updates on our Facebook page and via email. Parents are welcome to volunteer at any time - we are always happy to accept help and your children take great pride in showing you their pre-school!

We arrange Grandparents' weeks and special weeks for Dads  when we welcome family members to pre-school to join in the fun...Uncles, Aunts and other family members are also very welcome....and not just on these special days...


The Community 

We use local business for supplies and services whenever possible, and we make provision for the wide range of needs within our local community. We visit local facilities such as the library, and support other local charities by raising funds (see our News tab).

In the Summer we host a summer Fiesta event as well as regular coffee mornings and other events that welcome the local community. We enjoy visits from local police officers, fire-fighters and others in the community who provide us with interesting insights into their work or lifestyles. We also participate in the local village fair.





      "How's that for size?"


We have a number of pre-school policies to set standards for the care, practice and procedures within the setting. These are reviewed regularly. A copy of each policy is available for parents to read.




Records of Achievement

For each child we build a 'Learning Journey', or Early Years Foundation Stage record, consisting of focus week observations, samples of your child's work that reflects their time and the progress they have made at pre-school and assesments of your Child's development. This will be presented  to your child on leaving preschool at our very special 'Leavers' celebration. We have excellent relationships with local schools and a thorough transition process includes passing a summary of your child’s achievements on to school towards the end of his/her time with us. All of these records are shared with you at regular parent meetings and at any other time at your request.